Declutter Your Mind with Bullet Journaling

Can a notebook and pen change your life? Bullet journaling is a popular method of planning, organization, and reflection that many claims has diminished their anxiety and stress levels overall.

What is a bullet journal?  

Inventor of the Bullet Journal, Ryder Carroll, started a journal that is a way to unplug from digital world and go back to conventional methods of life organization. All it requires is a pen or pencil and journal with enough pages for daily use. He wrote a book about his personal journey to invent a method of organizing and focusing his life and decided to share it with the world. The idea of a bullet journal is to have one place for all your tasks, events, thoughts, and reflections. A basic one is filled with simple writing and symbols, and lately, people have started to incorporate art into their journals for an even more unique and personal experience.  

The system 

While there is no “official” method for bullet journaling, the recommended system includes an index and a daily log. The daily log consists of short bullet points coded with symbols for corresponding categories. For example, a circle could mean a task to be completed, while a square means an event occurring that day. There are also symbols such as exclamation points and asterisks that denote an immediate priority. These are all suggestions, and each bullet journal is completely unique to the user’s preference and style.   

Why this system works 

Simple logs like the daily log in a bullet journal help to declutter your mind. Tasks, thoughts, events, and priorities become jumbled for some if they cannot visualize it. Seeing completed days‘ worth of tasks and events written out can inspire feelings of accomplishment. The problem many have with digital trackers and planners is the depersonalization and loss of permanency. On a digital planner, you can customize colors and shape, but that’s the limit. On top of that, once a task is completed, it is gone from the interface—leaving you with no way to go back and see what you accomplished.  

Mental health matters 

Overall, it doesn’t matter what symbols and colors you use to declutter your mind. All that matters is that you attempt to focus on improving your anxiety and stress levels in whatever way works for you. Bullet journaling is a method and a movement to go back to pen and paper and remove digital waste. Whether decorated or minimalistic, bullet journals are a positive and simple way to put yourself first.


This article was prepared by ReminderMedia.

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