The Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise: How Exercising During Retirement Can Pay Off

More often than not, retirees have retirement concerns that focus on their goals and whether or not they have the finances to work towards those goals. Since finances and other important matters tend to occupy the mind during retirement years, this may mean you find yourself forgetting about self-care, such as incorporating exercise into your daily routine. Exercising during retirement could pay off with several benefits you may have not considered. Below are some of the benefits regular exercise in your retirement years may offer.

Clearer Thinking

Exercise is essential for building and maintaining muscle and cardiovascular health and also crucial for brain function. Exercise may improve your mood, allow for more restful sleep, and mitigate stress and anxiety, helping you to stay more mentally sharp.1

Improved Longevity

An indicator of long-term mortality may be your aerobic fitness level. The more exercise you do that gets your heart rate up and keeps it up for a while, the more significant benefit to your health, potentially. With just three hours of regular exercise a week, you may increase your life by as much as five years. Exercise may also stave off risks of premature death such as diabetes and cardiac disease.1

Lowered Medical Costs

Medical costs may be one of the greatest financial concerns in retirement as medical expenses continue to rise, and more and more health concerns occur as you get older. Regular exercise may help you lower your risk of many health concerns, which may mean fewer trips to the doctor, less medication, and lower overall expenses.1

Reduced Life Insurance Costs

Life insurance may be costly in your retirement years, but the better your health is, the lower you may expect your premiums to be. Exercise could help decrease your risk of obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure, which all may lead to higher overall life insurance rates.1.

Reduced Bone Loss

As you age, bone and muscle loss occur, especially for women. You may be able to manage the accelerated decline that comes with age by incorporating regular strength training into your exercise routines. Even simple routines with lighter weights may help you slow your bone loss and help you keep the muscle mass you have.1

Exercises for Active Retirees

It is important to remember that your exercise routine is likely to change as you get older. You may need to be mindful of worn joints and back issues and consider these when creating your exercise routine. Some of the more ideal moderate-level activities include brisk walking, water aerobics, tennis, dancing, and cycling. If you suffer from fewer ailments and are looking to dial up the intensity of your exercise routine, you may want to consider jogging, swimming laps, aerobics, hiking, biking, or intense gardening.2

If you have not followed a regular exercise routine, it is vital to start slowly. Start with 10 to 15 minutes of exercise a few days a week and work up until you get in at least 30 minutes of exercise five to six days a week. Be sure to follow your doctor’s recommendations.


17 Surprising Benefits of Staying Fit in Retirement, Money Talks News,

2Retirement an excellent time to pump up exercise, USA Today,



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